I admire the artist who can have fun and infantilise their painting style. It takes a lot of guts to put it out there, where critics may love you, but the everyday spectator may grumble, complaining that their children could do better aged 3. Pliss combines this celebration of paint with the subject matter its self. Loud, active people, making the most of their voice, creating excitement and party time. I want to be in these paintings, I would feel tribalistic, hedonistic, colourful and vibrant, full of youth and fight. The text in the paintings are not precise and stylised, but fast and furious. The raw primary pallete of colour lends well to direct its energy to the viewer. A more complex array of colour may have diluted and disguised the powerful force behind the paintings acting as an oppressor.
There is no escaping that the work is evocative of the Neo-Expressionist style that Basquiat was famous for. I feel blessed that there are contemporaries that can execute this style so well, long may it live!
Anna Pliss was born in Soviet Russia and is currently based in Moscow.
She studied design and contemporary art in school and works as both an artist and an interior designer.